HaeIII Polymorphism of Growth Hormone (GH-1) Gene in Some Goat Breeds Reared in Turkey by Using PCR-RFLP Method

Rapeseed, variety, organic fertilizers, yield, yield componentsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine HaeIII polymorphism in the exon 2 and 3 regions of the growth hormone -1 (GH-1) gene that regulates tissue growth and muscle development in six different goat breeds reared in Turkey. The HaeIII polymorphism in GH-1 gene (422 bp) was investigated by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methodology in 303 goats including 52 Hair, 51 Angora, 50 Honamlı, 50 Halep, 50 Saanen and 50 heads of Kilis breeds. Two alleles (A and B) and 3 genotypes (AA, BB and AB) were identified in the study. A and B allele frequencies in Hair, Angora, Honamlı, Halep, Saanen and Kilis breeds were found to be 0.4038 and 0.5962, 0.4314 and 0.5686, 0.4600 and 0.5400, 0.4500 and 0.5500, 0.3800 and 0.6200, 0.5400 and 0.4600, respectively. AA, AB and BB genotype frequencies were found to be 00.019, 0.769 and 0.212 (P<0.05), 0.235, 0.392 and 0.373 (P>0.05), 0.080, 0.760 and 0.160 (P<0.05), 0.060, 0.780 and 0.160 (P<0.05), 0.160, 0.440 and 0.400 (P>0.05), 0.160, 0.760 and 0.080 (P<0.05), respectively. When all breeds were taken into consideration, A and B allel frequencies were found to be 0.4439 and 0.5561, and AA, AB and BB genotype frequencies were found to be 0.119, 0.650 and 0.231 (P>0.05). As a result, it was determined that goat population had high heterozygosity (0.494) in general and was not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in terms of HaeIII polymorphism in the exon 2 and 3 regions of the GH-1 gene (P>0.05).
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