Development of Pathogen Ascochyta Species of Wild Legumes in Different Media

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Ascochyta spp., wild legumes, morphological characterization, plant pathology, plant genetic sources, media


Ascochyta spp., which are plant fungal pathogens in the order Ascomycota infect many legume species, causing Ascochyta blight disease and serious yield and quality loss in plants. The disease agent causes typical necrosis and cell death in the aboveground parts of the plant. Wild forms of many legumes, which are among the plants infected by Ascochyta spp., are important genetic resources in the domestication process and are very important in terms of genetic diversity. Genetic resources are affected and destroyed by abiotic effects such as erosion, flood, fire, etc., natural disasters, and by biotic effects from some important plant pathogens, such as Ascochyta spp. Since it also affects cultivated plants and causes serious yield losses, it is necessary to obtain more information about the development process and conidia formation ability of Ascochyta spp., which evolved together with the wild form of the plant during the cultivation process. In this study, it was observed whether 107 isolates of Ascochyta spp. isolated from Vicia spp., Pisum sativum, Lens spp. and Lathyrus spp. developed hyphae and formed conidia in different media [potato dextrose agar (PDA), chickpea seed meal dextrose agar (CSMDA), potato dextrose broth (PDB)]. While 32, 10, 7 and 8 of the isolates of Vicia spp., Pisum sativum, Lens spp. and Lathyrus spp., inoculated in PDA medium, exhibited hyphal growth, and 18, 5, 10 and 6 formed conidia as well as hyphal growth. All of the conidia-forming and non conidia-forming isolates in PDA were also inoculated in CSMDA medium, and 24, 5, 10, and 10 of the isolates formed hyphal growth, respectively, while 26, 10, 7, and 4 formed conidia as well as hyphal growth. It was observed that 11, 3, 5 and 2 isolates formed conidia in both media (PDA and CSMDA). Of the 54 isolates of Vicia spp. (25), Pisum sativum (9), Lens spp. (13) and Lathyrus spp. (7) grown in PDB medium, 14, 5, 8, and 5 exhibited only hyphal growth, and 11, 4, 5, and 2 showed only conidial growth, respectively. It is thought that the data obtained may form a basis for studies in the field of plant diseases.


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How to Cite

GÜMÜŞ, M. ., UYGUN, A. E., DEMİREL, Özge, TALAPOV, T., AKVEÇ, O., & CAN, C. (2023). Development of Pathogen Ascochyta Species of Wild Legumes in Different Media. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(3), 649–669.


