Animal Products Consumption of Generation Z after Covid-19 Pandemic (II)

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Generation z, pandemic, red meat, chicken meat, milk and dairy products, consumption


Restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the world have significantly affected the food consumption behaviors of consumers. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a difference between the amount of animal product consumption of students and their tendency to consume animal products after the pandemic compared to the pandemic process in Turkey. In the study, it was determined that the participants consumed 356.57 g of beef, 172.85 g of mutton, 825.93 g of chicken meat, 1.6 liters of milk and dairy products, and 12.09 eggs per month on average, and the rate of those who said they did not consume beef at all was 21.4%, the rate of those who did not consume mutton was 42.9%, the rate of those who did not consume milk and dairy products was 15%, and the rate of those who did not consume eggs was 16.4%. In the study, it was also determined that after the pandemic, only 5% of the students consumed red meat, 13.6% consumed chicken meat, 7.9% consumed milk and dairy products, and there was an increase of 37% in the consumption of milk and dairy products; on the other hand, 50% of the participants had no change in the consumption of animal products after the pandemic, while the rest had a significant decrease in their consumption levels (46%). As a result, it was determined that students living in dormitories had lower consumption of animal products compared to those living in family and student houses, and that the price increases in animal products after the pandemic negatively affected the consumption of animal products.


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How to Cite

AYDIN, E. ., AYVAZOĞLU DEMİR , P., & KÜÇÜKOFLAZ, M. . (2023). Animal Products Consumption of Generation Z after Covid-19 Pandemic (II). ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(3), 614–622.


