The Effect of Sewage Sludge Used in the Cultivation of Corn Plants as Second Crop and Silage on the Macro Nutrient Elements in the Soil
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Sewage sludge, organic material, macro plant nutrients, soilAbstract
This research was carried out to determine the effects of sewage sludge applied in increasing doses (2, 4, 8 tons da-1) on the physical and chemical properties of the soils of the Thrace Region, which has low organic matter content and where erosion problems are intense. The sewage sludge applied to the soil of the experiment field increased the organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium contents of the soil and this increase was found to be statistically significant (p<0.01). Wastewater treatment sludge application caused a decrease in the exchangeable magnesium content of soils. There was no change in the exchangeable calcium content of the soil. According to the research results, the application of sewage sludge, which has a high organic matter content, complies with the Soil Pollution Control Regulation and has no harm in using it in agriculture, to the soils of the Thrace Region with insufficient organic matter content, is of great importance for increasing sustainability and productivity in agriculture.
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