Effects of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Hard Outer Shell Biochar Applied on Loamy Textured Soils on Nitrate (NO3-) and Ammonium (NH4+) Leaching

NO3-, NH4 , biochar, leaching, surface and groundwater pollutionAbstract
In this study, the effects of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) hard shell biochar (FDB) applied at different doses (0% (control), 1.5% and 3%) in loamy soil on (Nitrate) NO3- and (Ammonium) NH4+ leaching were investigated. In this trial design, ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) (16 kg N da-1 column-1) was used as ammonium and nitrate source in the planned column experiment with 3 repetitions; increasing doses of FDB (0%-control; 1.5% and 3.0%) were administered. The total flushing took 6 weeks, 750 ml of water column-1 was given weekly; The NO3- and NH4+ accumulations in the filters were determined by collecting them weekly. After the washing was disrupted, NO3- and NH4+ analyzes were performed on the soil samples in the columns. The findings obtained showed that NO3- concentrations in the filters decreased with increasing FDB application doses. This decrease was found to be 51.45% and 16.21% for 1.5% and 3% doses, respectively. NO3- retention of column soils after washing was calculated as 87.5% at 1.5% dose and 93.75% at 3% dose. When the effect of increasing doses of FDB applications on NH4+ concentrations in the filters was examined; NH4+ concentrations decreased by 90.10% and 32.23% at 1.5% and 3.0% doses, respectively. NH4+ retention in column soils after washing increased by 87.5% at 1.5% dose and 106.67% at 3.0% dose. As a result, pistachio hard shell biochar significantly reduced the NO3- and NH4+ concentrations in the leachates at both doses (1.5% and 3.0%), and also significantly reduced the loss rates through leaching.
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