Taxonomic Classification of Şanlıurfa Halfeti Soils and Their Matching with the FAO/UNESCO (WRB) System

Halfeti, soil genesis, morphology, taxonomy, classificationAbstract
The aim of this research is to evaluate the soils of the Halfeti region in terms of morphological characteristics, determine the features of different soil individuals, interpret the relationships between formation conditions and soil properties, and use WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources) and Soil Taxonomy during soil classification. The focus of the study is the Halfeti District, located 122 km west of the southeast of Şanlıurfa Province. The research area is situated between elevations of 600-670 m. In the study conducted on three soil profiles opened in neighboring areas showing significant differences, 17 disturbed soil samples were taken based on horizons, and analyses of organic matter, pH, lime, cation exchange capacity, and electrical conductivity were performed. According to soil taxonomy, the soil profiles were classified as Seldek profile in the Calsixerert great group, Karaotlak profile in the Xerochrepts great group, and Argıl profile in the Xeroorthents great group. The same profiles were classified according to the FAO/UNESCO (WRB) classification system as Seldek profile in the Chromic Vertisol group, Karaotlak profile in the Vertic Cambisol group, and Argıl profile in the Lithic Leptosol group.
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