Changes in Some Soil Compaction Indicators in A Field Treated with Leonardite and Chicken Manure

Bulk density, chicken manure, leonardite, penetration resistance, sustainable agriculture, shear strengthAbstract
Soil compaction is one of the most serious land degradation limiting agricultural productivity. Compaction is influenced by soil properties such as soil moisture and organic matter content, clay mineralogy and texture, and external factors determined by field traffic. In this study, the changes in soil organic matter content (SOM), bulk density (BD), penetration resistance (PR) and shear strength (SS) properties were investigated using different doses of leonardite and chicken manure. The study was conducted under field conditions and according to the randomized plots experimental design and lasted for about 8 months. At the end of the experiment, samples were taken from each plot and necessary analyses were performed. According to the results obtained, SOM, BD, PR and SS values of chicken manure treated plots varied between 1.94-2.55%, 1.38-1.33 g cm-³, 1.45-1.00 MPa and 50.22-42.88 kPa, respectively. SOM, BD, PR and SS values of leonardite treated plots varied between 1.84-2.37%, 1.39-1.35 g cm-³, 1.52-1.17 MPa and 51.18-41.01 kPa, respectively. As a result, both leonardite and chicken manure increased SOM and decreased BD, PR and SS parameters compared to the control. These changes in soil variables were statistically significant (P< 0.05). When a comparison was made between organic amendments, it was observed that in general chicken manure had a more positive effect on soil variables. This was attributed to the higher organic matter content of chicken manure compared to leonardite.
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