Biochar and Rhizobium Applications: A Promising Synergy for Improved Soybean Growth and Rhizosphere Microbial Activities

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biochar, rhizobium, soybean, soil microbial activity


This study aimed to examine the effects of biochar application and rhizobium inoculation on soybean growth and specific rhizosphere soil microbial activities. Biochar, extensively tested over the past two decades, enhances soil physical, chemical, and biological properties, thereby positively contributing to agricultural yield. Leguminous plants like soybeans exhibit improved growth by reducing the use of mineral fertilizers through rhizobial inoculation. It is an important finding that the applications provided an approximately 100% increase in plant fresh weight. In this study, the utilized biochar served as an alternative organic material, not only regulating soil properties but also enhancing rhizobial activity. Conducted as a greenhouse experiment with the soils of Şanlıurfa, this research involved dual factor experiments with rhizobium applications and two doses of biochar (1%-1.5%) applications. According to the overall average results of the study, it was determined that rhizobium and biochar applications increased plant growth and nodule formation. While nodules did not form in samples without bacterial inoculation, this number increased to 13-19 with vaccination and applications.The determined values of CO2 produce, DHA enzyme activity, and MBC content in the soil of the plant root zone increased with rhizobium inoculations and biochar applications. It was seen by correlation analysis that bacterial inoculation increased MBC contents in the soil, increased CO2 content, and increased CO2 increased total N, and was found to be significant.


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How to Cite

SARIOĞLU, A., ALMACA, A., DOĞAN, K., & RAMAZANOĞLU, E. . (2024). Biochar and Rhizobium Applications: A Promising Synergy for Improved Soybean Growth and Rhizosphere Microbial Activities. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(1), 134–149.


