Determination of the Effect of Different Priming and Coating Applications on Germination and Early Seedling Development in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

Seed coating, alfalfa, priming, germination, seedling developmentAbstract
In recent years, seed pre-treatments and seed coating methods have been added to the studies on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) growing techniques. Plant growth regulator products are preferred in seed pre-applications. The products preferred as a preliminary application in the experiment were used for this purpose for the first time. The experiment was set up in the Laboratories of Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Agriculture with 3 repetitions according to the randomized plots experiment pattern. In the study, different doses of Kerotin-L, Avesis Root, Momentum Plus and Panoramix products from commercially available commercial products were used as plant growth regulators during the priming stage. The pre-applied seeds were then coated using ash, clay, molasses and starch, and it was observed that these priming and coating processes gave positive results on germination and seedling development of alfalfa seeds. The highest germination rate among the examined features; germination power of Avesis Root in 300 doses, root fresh weight of Momentum in 100, 200, 400 and 500 doses and Keratin-L in 100 doses; Keratin-L at 300, 500 doses, root dry weight; Obtained from all doses of Keratin-L.In the light of the data obtained, it can be said that the priming and coating materials used are suitable priming material for alfalfa seed.
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