Coccoidea (Hemiptera) in Fruit Orchards of Şırnak Province Species and Distribution Areas

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Şırnak, coccoidea, fig, almond, distribution areas


Due to the fact that the province of Şırnak is a region with favorable conditions for fruit growing, the value of fruit cultivation is increasing steadily every day. With the increase in fruiting, plant protection problems also arise, but there is no intensive chemical spraying. This study was considered for all these reasons and fruit production in Şırnak province and districts between 2021-2022 years species and distrubition areas in the areas of Coccoidea (Hemiptera). The study was carried out in a total of 60 orchards in 7 districts in fruit growing areas and laboratory studies.  At the end of the work, total of 5 species were identified, including 3 species belonging to the Coccoidae family and 2 species belonging to the Diaspididae family. These are the species Eulecanium sp. (Linnaeus), Parthenolecanium sp. (Bouche), Didesmococcus unifasciatus (Archangelskaya), Parlatoria oleae (Colv.) and Lepidosaphes ulmi (Linnaeus). Didesmococcus unifasciatus has come to the fore as the most common species of species belonging to the Coccoidea parent family in all areas that are surveyed in view of the propagation areas. When we look at the basis of fruits, it was seen that the most widespread species with pests are almond and fig.


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How to Cite

AYAZ, T. (2024). Coccoidea (Hemiptera) in Fruit Orchards of Şırnak Province Species and Distribution Areas. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(2), 544–550.


