Determination of Energy Use Efficency and Indicators of Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Production

Dry bean, energy use efficiency, Kırklareli, specific energyAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the energy use efficiency in dry bean production. Energy use efficiency calculations were made for the 2023 production season. The study was carried out in the Central district of Kırklareli province of Turkey. Within the scope of the study, total energy input was calculated as 16717.86 MJ ha-1 and total energy output was calculated as 34440 MJ ha-1. Energy use efficiency in dry bean production was calculated as 2.06, specific energy as 9.71 MJ kg-1, energy efficiency as 0.10 kg MJ-1 and net energy as 17722.14 MJ ha-1. Energy input types in dry bean production were examined. It was observed that it consists of 6633.38 MJ ha-1 (39.68 %) direct energy, 10084.48 MJ ha-1 (60.32 %) indirect energy, 2507.99 MJ ha-1 (15 %) renewable energy and 14209.87 MJ ha-1 (85 %) non-renewable energy. According to the 2023 production season study data, dried beans production can be said to be profitable in terms of energy use.
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