Effect of Mycorrhiza Applications on Some Biochemical Properties of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Grown under Salt Stress Conditions
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AMF, biochemical, soybean, salt stressAbstract
This study was carried out to determine the effects of mycorrhizal applications (AMF) on some biochemical changes in soybeans (Glycine max L.) under salt stress (control, 50, 100, 150, 200 mM). At the end of the research, chlorophyll in soybeans was determined in line with the effects of the applied factors. Properties such as (32.9-43.0 dx), leaf area index (7.2-17.7 cm2), flavonol (0.36-0.70 dx), anthocyanin (0.01-0.03 dx) and NBI (32.3-47.9 mg g-1) were examined. In the results of working, chlorophyll, leaf area index and nitrogen balans index (NBI) values decreased under salt stress, flavonol and anthocyanin values increased. According to these results, it has been determined that AMF applications against salt stress have a regulating and reducing effect on some biochemical properties.
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