Assessment of Some Physico-Chemical Properties of Cherry Orchard Soils of Andırın- Çiğşar Region

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Andırın, cherry orchard, soil properties, plant nutrition


The sustainability of agricultural production is achievable through balanced plant nutrition. Understanding soil properties is essential for plants to be adequately nourished. In this context, soil samples were collected from 24 different points in the orchards of cherry in Çiğşar region of Kahramanmaraş, Andırın district, at depths of 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm using random sampling. Physical (texture, hydraulic conductivity (HI), field capacity (TK), wilting point (DSN), saturation percentage (S), and available water amount (YS)) and chemical (pH, lime, salt, organic matter (OM), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P2O5), potassium (K2O), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn)) analyses were conducted on the soil samples. Average pH, lime, OM, TK, DSN, YS, HI and SY of the soils at 0-30 and 30-60 cm soil depth, respectively; It was determined as 8.01-8.05, 24.6-24.5 %, 3.39-3.21 %, 34.9-34.6 %, 22.6-22.1 %, 12.2-12.5 %, 0.67-0.73 cm/hour, 47.5-47.3 %. The average macro (Ca, Mg, K2O and P2O5) and micro (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn) element contents of the soils (0-30 and 30-60 cm) were generally in the sufficient or excess class. According to the dependent t test for the upper and lower depths of the soil, pH, K2O, Cu and Mn variables were found to be statistically different from each other (p<0.05). As a result, when the soils of the region are evaluated in general, it can be said that the factors that negatively affect cherry nutrition, yield and quality are high pH, ​​lime and clay content. Therefore, in areas with high clay, pH and lime, it may be recommended to apply materials such as organic matter (animal manure, compost, leonardite), humic acid and sulfur.


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How to Cite

SALTALI, K. ., KURU , M. ., TOSUN , Y. K. ., KARA, Z., & YAKUPOĞLU , T. . (2024). Assessment of Some Physico-Chemical Properties of Cherry Orchard Soils of Andırın- Çiğşar Region. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(4), 884–893.


