Effects of Paclobutrazol, Prohexadione Calcium and Chlormequat Chloride Applications on Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Seedling Quality
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Seedling height control, growth-retardant, paclobutrazol, plant growth regulator, seedling qualityAbstract
Nowadays, bioregulators are utilized to control seedling height. In this study, the effects of paclobutrazol, prohexadione calcium and chlormequat chloride on seedling quality and seedling growth of pepper, tomato and eggplant were investigated. Yalova Yağlık-28 pepper variety, SC-2121 tomato variety and Aydın black eggplant variety were used in the study. The active ingredients of paclobutrazol, prohexadione calcium (10 %) and chlormequat chloride (460 g l-1) were used in the experiment. Foliar sprays were applied at the 1st leaf developmental stage, 2nd leaf developmental stage and both 1st and 2nd leaf developmental stages. Seedling weight, stem length, stem diameter, number of true leaves, seedling root length, stem dry weight and root dry weight were analyzed. The results showed that paclobutrazol, prohexadione calcium and chlormequat chloride treatments increased seedling weight in pepper and eggplant seedlings. Similarly, all three treatments shortened seedling height in pepper, tomato and eggplant seedlings. The shortest seedlings were obtained from paclobutrazol treatment. While tomato stem dry weight decreased with the treatments, root dry weight increased. Pepper root dry weight decreased with paclobutrazol, prohexadione calcium and chlormequat chloride treatments. According to the results of the study, paclobutrazol, prohexadione calcium and chlormequat chloride treatments were used to control the height of pepper, tomato and eggplant seedlings.
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