Achene and Flower Characteristics of Some Centaurea Species Collected from Diyarbakır (Türkiye)

Pappus, Centaurea, sem, stereomicroscopeAbstract
In this study, belonging to the genus Centaurea L. collected from Diyarbakır and its surroundings were investigated flower structures and the achene micro and macro morphology of 10 species [C. solstitialis L., C. iberica Trev. Ex Sprengel, C. urvillei ssp nimrodis (Boiss. & Hausskn.) Wagenitz, C. consanguinea DC. (E), C. behen L, C. rigida Banks & Sol., C. balsamita Lam., C. kurdica Reichardt (E), C. stapfiana (Hand.-Mazz.) Wagenitz, C. virgata Lam.]. Among the ten species studied, five have yellow flowers C. solstitialis, C. behen, C. rigida, C. balsamita, C. stapfiana and the other five C. iberica, C. urvillei ssp nimrodis, C. consanguinea, C. kurdica, C. stapfiana, C. virgata have pink-purple flowers. It has been found that phyllaries on the involucrum bearing the flowers are typically characterized by horn-like spines or protrusions. As it is well-established that seed and fruit structures are key features used in taxonomy, achene and pappus structures were examined in this study, and measurements were taken with a digital caliper. The results of measurement and SEM imaging reveal that the macro structure of achene differs significantly from its micro structure. This suggests that traits are of great importance and can be used in taxonomic diagnosis.
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