Evaluation of the Relationship between Harmonization Ratio and Some Yield Traits with Grain Yield in Oat Varieties

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Vegetative period, harmonization ratio, grain filling period, yield, oat


It was aimed to calculate grain filling period (GFP) / vegetative period (VP) before and after the flowering period depending on the thermal times in oat and to determine the relationship between the harmonization ratio (HR) and grain yield (GY) with the formula HRtt = GFPtt / VPtt and to determine the use of these values as criteria. HR values were calculated depending on thermal times. The experiment was conducted in Kahramanmaraş conditions between 2014 and 2016 for 2 successive years with 3 replications according to the randomized completed block design. Phenological traits were measured in relation to thermal times and significant differences were observed among cultivars. The highest grain yields were determined in Yeniçeri (507.4 kg da-1) and Kahraman (489.2 kg da-1) varieties, the lowest grain yields were determined in Faikbey (376.7 kg da-1) and Seydişehir (386.3 kg da-1) varieties, the highest harmonization ratios were determined in Arslanbey (0.517) and Kırklar (0.456) varieties, the lowest harmonization ratios were determined in Sebat (0.345) and Yeniçeri (0.350) varieties. There were significant differences between varieties and years in terms of grain yields and harmonization ratios, but no correlation relationship was found between grain yield and harmonization ratio. The results obtained will be useful in agricultural production activities and will be useful in terms of being determinant in oat breeding programs.


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How to Cite

TANRIKULU, A. . (2024). Evaluation of the Relationship between Harmonization Ratio and Some Yield Traits with Grain Yield in Oat Varieties. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(3), 813–821. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13234374


