The Effect of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Applied at Different Doses on the Growth Characteristics of Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch, cv. ‘Albion’) Plants Under Salt Stress

NaCl, iron (II, III) oxide, salinity, leaf relative water contentAbstract
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) plants are an important agricultural crop due to their economic value and nutritional content. However, salinity stress is one of the significant environmental factors that adversely affect the yield and quality of strawberries. In recent years, advancements in nanotechnology have introduced new approaches in plant nutrition and stress management. This study aims to determine the effects of various doses of iron oxide (II, III) nanoparticles (NP0, NP0.01, NP0.1, NP1 mg L⁻¹) on the growth of strawberry plants grown under different salinity levels (T0, T30, and T60 mM NaCl). In the study, stem length (mm), root length (cm), number of leaves, fresh and dry weights of root and stem (g), leaf area (cm²), and leaf relative water content (RWC) (%) were determined. Although the values of the examined characteristics decreased as the salinity doses increased, it was found that the application of Fe₃O₄ NPs mitigated this adverse effect. In the study, statistically significant differences were determined between the salinity doses in terms of root length, leaf area, and fresh-dry weight characteristics, and between the Fe₃O₄ nanoparticles in terms of leaf area, plant dry weight, and root fresh weight. The interaction effect of salinity dose and Fe₃O₄ nanoparticles on stem length, leaf area, and plant dry weight was found to be statistically significant. The T0 treatment exhibited the highest values for all examined characteristics. The Fe₃O₄ nanoparticles showed different effects depending on the characteristics studied. The highest stem length, 29.37 mm, was found in the T0 × NP1 (1 mg L⁻¹) treatment, while the highest leaf area, 33.05 cm², was obtained from the T0 × NP0.01 treatment. The results indicate that iron nanoparticles could be a potential strategy to enhance the tolerance of strawberry plants to salt stress.
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