Determination of The Effect of Nitrogenous Fertilization on Grain Quality Characterıstics in Wheat

NDVI, NIR, nitrogen fertilization, wheat, physiological propertiesAbstract
This research was carried out in the Tevekli Neighborhood rural area of Van Tusba District in the summer growing season of 2020 to determine the effects of four nitrogenous fertilizer doses (0 kg da⁻¹ N, (N0: control), 8 kg da⁻¹ N (N8), 12 kg da⁻¹ N (N12) and 16 kg da⁻¹ N (N16)) on some physiological properties (ash, moisture, starch, protein, cellulose and oil) of local (Bahare and Kose) and commercial (Seri-82 and Cemre) bread wheat varieties. The research was designed according to the split-plot design in randomized blocks with three replications, with N doses in the main plots and varieties in the subplots. During the heading period, live plant leaves were measured with the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) sensor, and leaf observations were made. According to the research results; the differences between the other characteristics examined except for grain moisture data were statistically significant (P˂0.05). According to the interactions, the highest values were obtained from N12 x Cemre (0.320) and N16 x Kose in the same group in NDVI data, N0 x Bahre (1.036 %) and N12 x Bahare in the same group in ash ratios, N12 x Seri (44.704 %) and N12 x Cemre and N16 x Cemre in the same group in starch ratios, N12 x Bahare (15.901 %) in protein ratios, N16 x Kose (4.019 %) in cellulose ratios and N0 x Cemre (2.592 %) in oil ratios and five interactions in the same group. No statistically significant effect of N doses was observed on other examined traits except grain moisture and protein ratios. The grain moisture ratio was obtained from the highest N0 dose (8.788 %), and the protein ratio was obtained from other doses except N0. The effect of varieties on other properties except ash and oil contents in grain was found to be statistically insignificant (P˃0.05). Bahare local variety had high values in ash ratio and commercial varieties had high values in oil ratio. It is thought that low rainfall and high temperatures during the season effectively obtained low results.
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