Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Organic and Conventionally Produced Preocessing Type Tomato Fruits
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Tomato, production method, biochemical properties, color, brixAbstract
The aim of this study was to compare the physical and chemical properties of tomato fruits formed by two different agricultural methods. The study was carried out with tomato fruit samples taken from producers supplying products to the organic and conventional markets during summer and winter periods under open field conditions. Fruit weight, hardness, sunburn rate, surface and pulp color, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity, pH value, vitamin C, lycopene, total phenol amount and antioxidant activity of organic and conventionally produced tomato fruits were compared. Fruit weight and sunburn rate were found to be significantly higher in conventionally produced tomato fruits than in organically produced ones. It was determined that TSS amount of conventionally and organically produced tomato fruits showed significant differences with the values of 4.31 % and 7.51 %, vitamin C amount was 14.43 and 18.93 mg 100 g-1, lycopene amount was 78.74 and 95.67 mg kg-1, respectively, and was higher in organically produced ones. Similarly, total phenol content, antioxidant activity and fruit surface color (a*/b*) of organically produced tomato fruits were found to be significantly higher than those of conventionally produced ones.
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