The Impact of Different Planting Systems in Maize-Mung Bean Production on the Silage Quality and Fermentation in Second Product Conditions

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Forage yield, intercropping, maize-mung bean , silage


Cultivation of one or more non-similar plants together in the same order or in different orders is called “intercropping”. The study was conducted to study the impact of different cultivation patterns (sole maize (%100 mazie), sole mung bean (100 % mung bean), 1M + 1MFS (50 % maize + 50 % mung bean), 1M + 1MFA (100 % maize + 100 % mung bean), 2M + 1MFA (100 % maize + 50 % mung bean), 3M + 1MFA (100 % maize + 33 % mung bean) and 3M + 1MFS (75 % maize + 25 % mung bean)  on the yield and silage quality of maize+mung beans on the same row in Kahramanmaraş ecological conditions. The trial randomized blocks were carried out in three repetitions according to the trial pattern. Total forage yield 315.48-7429.46 kg da-1, silage dry matter (T60) ratio 24.27-31.45 %, silage pH 3.81-4.86, lactic acid bacterial count 4.54-5.74 (log10 cfu g silage-1), yeast count 3.80-6.31 (log10 cfu g silage-1). Protein content of varied from 6.09 to 14.55 %, NDF content from 43.62 to 50.44 %, and ADF contents from 26.06 to 30.91 %. The research resulted in an increase in quality raw forage production, combined with the production system. As a result of the findings obtained, 3M+1MFA planting system is recommended for high forage yield and a quality silage in the second product conditions.


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How to Cite

AKBAY, F., GÜNAYDIN, T., KIZILYAR, E. N. ., ARIKAN, S., KORKMAZ, Z., & KIZILŞİMŞEK, M. (2024). The Impact of Different Planting Systems in Maize-Mung Bean Production on the Silage Quality and Fermentation in Second Product Conditions. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(4), 992–1000.


