Possibilities of Using Peach Pulp as a Carbohydrate Source in Alfalfa Silages

Peach pulp, alfalfa, silage, fermentation, qualityAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of peach pulp addition at different doses on the chemical composition and fermentation characteristics of alfalfa silages. In this study, peach pulp was added to alfalfa silages at 0 % (control), 5 % and 10 % levels. When the data obtained from the study were evaluated, peach pulp addition decreased the dry matter and crude protein content of the silages (P<0.001). In addition, 5% peach pulp addition caused a decrease in NDF (P<0.05) and ADF (P<0.01) contents compared to the control group. Lactic acid (P<0.05), acetic acid (P<0.001), propionic acid (P<0.001), butyric acid (P<0.01) contents were the lowest in the control group, while the pH content was the lowest in the group with 5 % peach pulp (P<0.05). At the end of the study, it was concluded that the effects on alfalfa silages should be evaluated using different doses and/or extraction methods.
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