A Study About Using Of Ipard Funds Of Eu Between Years Of 2007 - 2013 By Turkey

Rural Development, IPA, IPARD, ARDSIAbstract
European Union (EU) unified all of the financial aid for the candidate and potential candidate countries into the single framework of that named as pre-accession assistance (IPA) Due to Turkey's candidate country status it is beneficent of all IPA components. One of these components is the IPA-5 component (also naming as IPARD) is about agricultural and rural development funds. To manage these funds in Turkey, Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (ARDSI) has been developed with the law nr: 5648. Before the implementation of the IPA-5 program conferral for this authorization was required. In 2011 this process has been completed. ARDSI has 42 provincial unit with the organized as phase 1 (20 cities) and phase 2 (22 cities). Within the scope of the program meat (red and poultry), dairy production, food processing, meat, and meat products, milk and dairy products, aquaculture, processing and marketing of vegetables and fruit, beekeeping, invest for rural tourism of rural areas, growing medicinal aromatic plants has been supported. At the first 7, during the implementation IPA-5 of program (2007-2013) 10.693 investment project has been supported. 99.52 % of the 854m Euros budget has been disbursed. In other words, by the 3.15b grants, the co-funded investment project with a 6.7b amount was realized. This resulted in 57.000 new employment. Due to positive discrimination for women and young entrepreneurs, the 1.055 woman and 4.572 entrepreneurs under age 40 have been supported. In this study, this invests has been analyzed.
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