Organic Beekeeping Situation in Turkey

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  • Lale TAŞ


organic beekeeping, organic farming, organic honey, organic colony


Honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the world's most important pollinator species. In addition to pollination, bees provide great benefits to human health with the products they produce.These products; honey, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, bee venom, bee air, Perga. In our country, beekeeping is carried out in three ways: nomadic beekeeping, fixed and organic beekeeping. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Organic Farming Information System (OTBIS) by 2019, 249 organic beekeeping in Turkey who do business in organic beekeeping, the organic in all number of hives is 50.100 pieces. The total amount of organic honey production is 576.76 tons. At the same time the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, according to the Organic Farming Information System in 2019, engaged in beekeeping in the transition process in Turkey 159 existing businesses, it has a total of 21 484 hives in transition. Organic beekeeping in Turkey 01.12.2004 and 25 659 numbered published in the Official Gazette 5262 No. "Organic Agriculture Law" with this law in accordance August 18, 2010 date and 27 676, which entered gazette "Organic Agriculture on the Principles and Implementation It is carried that out according to the provisions of the Regulation. In this review, in Turkey the development of organic agriculture and the status of the inspection and certification process is intended to inform all citizens.


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How to Cite

Lale TAŞ. (2019). Organic Beekeeping Situation in Turkey. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(1), 65–72. Retrieved from


