Germination, Growth and Development of Mangifera indica L. Varieties Used as Rootstocks on Different Substrates

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  • Ousmane NDIAYE Laboratoire d’Agroforesterie et d'Ecologie (LAFE) Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor
  • Boubacar CAMARA Laboratoire d’Agroforesterie et d'Ecologie (LAFE) Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor
  • Antoine SAMBOU Laboratoire d’Agroforesterie et d'Ecologie (LAFE) Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor
  • Saliou NDIAYE Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agriculture (ENSA) Université de Thiès (UT) Sénégal



Mangifera indica L. Local Varieties, Substrate, Growth Germination


Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a tree of the family Anacardiaceae, native to southern Asia, widely cultivated in tropical countries for its fruit, the mango. The mango production has achieved worldwide usefulness as a fruit, a medicinal use and a economic importance.  Despite the importance of Mangifera indica L. Senegal is facing to the loss of the mango productivity and the decline of mango tree diversity. It is therefore important to improve the selection and the genetically improvement of the rootstocks. This study aims to test the germination, growth and development of Mangifera indica L varieties locally known as Diourou, Siera Leone, Pince and Kouloubadaseky on three types of substrates. The substrates used were three potting of forest soil of Anacardium occidentale, Mangifera indica and Khaya senegalensis. Thus, the nuts of the different varieties were sown in sheaths filled with pure potting forest soil from the different substrates (Anacardium occidentale, Mangifera indica and Khaya senegalensis. A germination test and a follow-up of seedlings on different substrates was carried out in the nursery to determine the effect of substrates on growth parameters. The germination dynamics of the three varieties reveals two peaks the first at the 24th day for Diourou and Kouloubadaseky varieties and another the 34th day for the Siera Leone and Pince varieties on all substrates. And the overall germination rate is 63.22% ± 1.88. The results showed that the number of stems per seed depends on the variety but not on the substrates. The Principal Component Analysis showed significative correlations between parameters such as the number of leaves, the height and the diameter at the crown of the stem. The analysis of variance showed a significant difference (P-value˂0.05) between varieties and according to the substrate on the parameters studied. All this information can be basic use for growers when choosing the varieties and type of substrate for mango rootstock production in their nurseries.


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How to Cite

Ousmane NDIAYE, Boubacar CAMARA, Antoine SAMBOU, & Saliou NDIAYE. (2020). Germination, Growth and Development of Mangifera indica L. Varieties Used as Rootstocks on Different Substrates. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(3), 435–455.


