Investigation of Spring, Facultative and Winter Character Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes in Terms of Some Agronomic Features

Biplot, bread wheat, facultative, proteinAbstract
The current study was carried out in based of irrigation conditions of Diyarbakır Province in the 2014-2015 growing season. The experiment was carried out with 3 repeats, 22 advanced lines and 3 standards variety in the random blocks trial pattern. The experimental material was composed of spring, facultative and winter wheat genotypes. As a result of ANOVA analysis; In all parameters examined, there were significant differences be-tween the genotypes at the p≤0.01 level. In the GGE biplot model, PC1 explained the variation among geno-types for the features examined with 45.18%, PC2 21.55% and PC1 + PC2 66.73% in total. In the places locat-ed in the center of Diyarbakir and close the province center of Diyarbakir, it has been determined that the adap-tation ability of facultative and spring genotypes is higher than the winter genotypes and they have better agri-cultural values. G13, G20 and G24 in grain yield, G8 and G23 in protein ratio are found to be ideal genotypes.
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