The Current State of the Bilecik Agricultural Enterprises

Bilecik, agricultural enterprises, agricultural, businessAbstract
The present study aims to analyze the current state of Bilecik agricultural enterprises within areas such as field of activity, production, and technical marketing. Within the context of the study, data were obtained in 2016 through face-to-face questionnaire covering 135 agricultural enterprises operating in Bilecik center and its districts. The data were analyzed through a computer program and interpreted under 20 headings. When analyzing the data, Chi-Square test was used to determine whether there was a statistical relationship among the specified factors. It has been determined that there are statistically significant relationships among 4 variables. However, the other variables are independent from each other. The results also show that it was understood that vegetable production was carried out the most in the study area (9.6%), the agricultural production was carried out all year (53.3%). However, the majority of the enterprises participating in the study did not plan to increase their capacity (51.9%), and a chemical agricultural struggle was made. (77%). Continuation of production (53.3%) throughout the year is attributed to continuing production in greenhouses in autumn. Besides, 84.4% of the agricultural enterprises participating in the study make production in open fields, 31.9% of them do drip irrigation, and 49.6% of them supply the necessary materials for production within the provincial borders. The high rate of drip irrigation is considered as a positive result of agricultural mechanization. However, it is an unpredictable result to supply the materials required for production from outside the province. Besides, results show that most of the enterprises (63.7%) do not employ seasonal workers and 70.4% of the business officers participate in agricultural fairs. While this result indicates that businesses are closely following and interested in technological developments, 77.8% of respondents believe that agricultural legislations are insufficient. Research results are discussed within the framework of these findings and suggestions for future research are presented.
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