Organic Olive Growth Opportunities In The GAP Region

Olives, organic olives, organic olives oil, organic farming, organic production, GAPAbstract
Organic agriculture is a form of production that is controlled by all stages from production to consumption by using only the drugs allowed by the regulation and certified by control certification companies. Since the use of chemical pesticides in agricultural production, which increases day by day, remains in food as residue, it is dangerous for human health. Particularly because of the Pandemic affecting the world and various health problems, people become conscious of nutrition and prefer a production method that is friendly to human health. Organic Agriculture is an environmentally friendly way of production that gives priority to human health. Despite the favorable climatic conditions and fertile lands in the GAP region, we cannot say that organic agriculture has progressed sufficiently. In this study, the organic cultivation possibility and potential of olive and olive oil production, which is a consequential product for the Southeastern Anatolia Region, will be examined. In the study conducted as a compilation, the experience and observations of the researcher in the region and secondary sources, official reports and statistics were used.
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