The Status of Corn Silage in Turkey and Its Importance in Animal Nutrition

Corn silage, Feding value, Harvestin periodAbstract
In this study, the historical development of silage corn production in the world and in our country, the cultivation area and production values in our country, the change in quality characteristics of silage corn according to the harvest period, the reasons for choosing corn silage and its importance in animal nutrition were examined. According to TUIK data in 2018, it has been determined that silage corn production in our country increases every year. In the last ten years, cultivation area has increased by 76%, unit area yield by 17% and total production amount by 90%. In 2018, 23,197,536 tons of silage corn production was carried out in 4.610.436 da of sowing area in Turkey. According to the 2019 data of Seed Registration and Certification Directorate; there are 282 grain and 15 silage corn varieties registered in our country. In addition, it has been determined that corn silage is an indispensable source of roughage both in terms of nutritional and economical values, regarding the profitable and sustainable stock farming.
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