Structure of Broiler Production in Hatay Province Problems and Proposed Solutions

Hatay, broiler, technical structure, care-feeding, diseaseAbstract
In this research, the structure of broiler chicken breeding in Hatay was conducted to determine the problems and solutions. For this purpose, data were collected from a total of 19 broiler farms using face-to-face questionnaires using the full count method. The data obtained from the study were interpreted using frequency tables and percentage calculations. According to the results of the research, it was determined that all of the enterprises belong to the business owners, they do contract manufacturing at a rate of 89.47% and there are no technical personnel. It has been determined that 57.89% of the enterprises do not have workers and the works are carried out with family members. It was determined that 47.37% of the poultry houses were environmentally controlled, 42.10% had windowed type, and most (63.16%) were housed 15-16 chickens per m2. It was determined that Ross-308 hybrids were used as animal material in all of the enterprises and some viral diseases were encountered in the past years. As a result, it has been determined that the main problem of broiler chicken enterprises in the province of Hatay, besides the general problems of the sector, is dependence on a single company. It has been determined that in order to increase broiler production, they need more integrated companies to improve the existing incentives, reduce the cost by removing foreign dependency in the supply of feed raw materials, increase chicken meat consumption and ensure competition.
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