Traditional Water Storage Houses in Tillo / Siirt

Houses of water, Water harvesting, Tillo, Siirt.Abstract
In the Mesopotamia region, where water is scarce and where the first settlements are located, there are water storage structures from different periods of its history, which have been functioning for years and can be considered a universal cultural heritage. In Tillo district of Siirt province which is located in the Mesopotamian region, different water storage structures with an undetermined date have been identified. These structures, which are produced by the people of the region to solve the water problem they encounter in their relationship with nature, are cultural landscape elements. In this study, information was given about the water harvesting structures developed by the people of the region with their own methods. These cultural landscape structures, which are defined as water houses by the public and used for centuries, have been abandoned with the developing technology and municipality. Today the subject water structures, which have been identified and completely abandoned in Tillo, are important for a better understanding of the value of water, its protection and its efficient use, especially during these times of water scarcity. These water structures can also be used as a dominant component in instilling 'water consciousness'.
This study examines the method of traditionally harvesting rainwater made by the people of Tillo district of Siirt province. Due to the dry season conditions of the region, the solution that the people found for their water needs was to build underground water houses. However, these water houses are no longer used with the developing technology and municipal management inTillo. Reusing the water houses, which are now completely abandoned, especially in periods of water shortage, will be an economical and simple solution to meet the water need and a phenomenon belonging to our culture will be revived. It is also thought that the use of water houses may set an example for regions with similar arid conditions.
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