Impcat of Adding Terebinth At Different Ratios on The Physical, Chemical, Sensory Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Ice Cream

Ice cream, Terebinth, Antioxidant activity, Functional foodAbstract
Terebinth (Pistacia terebinthus) has many bioactive compounds having antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities. Terebindth is in the same familia with pistachio (Pistacia vera), however, even though pistachio is a common flavor used in many foods in Turkey, terebinth consumption is limited to being a snack food or coffee-like drink. Our aim was to incorparate terebinth into ice cream as an alternative flavor option with rich phenolic content. For this purpose terebinth was added to ice cream at different ratios (1%, 2%, 3% and 5%) after roasting at 125 °C for 40 min. The physical, chemical and sensory properties of icecreams, antioxidant activity and total phenolics were compared with control that doesn’t contain terebinth. Adding terebinth to ice cream reduced its pH, increased the total solids, fat and ash content, lengthened its melting time, however didn’t affect its viscosity. Antioxidant activity increased by the increase in the ratio of the terebinth. Total phenolics content ranged between 21 to 96 mg kg-1 changing proprotional to the addition rate. Sensory results of the ice creams having 1% terebinth was found similar to control with mostly higher scores than the other terebinth rates.
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