Determination of the Effects of PEG Primings on Germination Properties of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) Under Salt Stress Conditions

Polietilen glikol, tuz stresi, çimlenme, kinoa, tuza tolerans indeksiAbstract
This study was carried out to examine the effects of polyethylene glycol (PEG) applications on the germination properties of quinoa under salt stress. Kankolla quinoa variety was used as plant material in the experiment and different PEG primings (control, -1 bar, -2 bar, -3 bar and -4 bar) and salt concentrations (0 mM, 100 mM, 200 mM, 300 mM, 400 mM and 500 mM) were used. The research was carried out in a randomized plot design with three replications in Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Agriculture, Field Crops Department, Plant Physiology Laboratory. According to the results obtained from the research; the highest values in terms of germination percentage, root length, root fresh weight, shoot fresh weight and salt tolerance index were obtained from -3 bar PEG priming x 200 mM NaCl application. The interaction effect of PEG pretreatment x salt concentration on mean germination time was insignificant. In saline conditions (200 mM NaCl), -3 bar PEG application may be recommended in order to ensure successful emergence, good root and shoot development.
Key words: Polyethylene glycol, salt stress, germination, quinoa, salt tolerance index
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