Chicken Meat Consumption Habits and Preferences of a State University Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Gevaş Vocational School’s Students

Chicken meat, consumption preferences, university students, VanAbstract
Chicken meat is an important source of animal protein due to its cheap, high digestibility and biological value. The aim of this study is to determine the viewpoints and consumption habits on chicken meat of Van YYU Gevaş Vocational School’s students. The relationship between students' age (P<0.0001), gender (P = 0.0403), residence status (P<0.0001) and monthly income (P = 0.0126) and chicken meat consumption was found to be statistically significant. As 73.60% of the students consume chicken meat 2-3 times a week, only 4.97% of those who do not consume chicken meat at all. The most preferred part of chicken meat is drumstick with 33.44%, breast with 32.80%, after chicken meat, turkey meat is consumed the most (32.81%), while purchasing, the most attention is paid to the expiry date (54.72%). It is seen that organic chickens are preferred with 45.17% in the store. In addition, 54.26% of the students stated that chicken doner was preferred in the restaurant, 71.43% of them said that chicken meat was nutritious, 85.09% and 77.95% of the students think that hormone and antibiotics are used, respectively. 77.85% of the students participating in the survey see chicken meat as halal food. 72.78% of the students stated that the poultry farms to be established in Van will affect the consumption of chicken meat positively. The total rate of those who found basmala very important and important in chicken slaughter was found to be quite high (75.75%). The rate of those who think that GMO is used in chicken feed is 50.83%.
As a result, despite the negative reviews, these positive evaluations of chicken meat are of great importance.
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