Evaluation of the tropical cucurbit chayote Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. var. albus spinosum under the temperate climate conditions of North Macedonia

Phenology, Morphological, Productive properties, Sechium edule(Jacq.) SwAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate some biological, morphological, productive and quality properties of the tropical cucurbit chayote Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. var. albus spinosum grown under temperate climate conditions in the Kochani region, North Macedonia during 2019 and 2020. The short day photoperiod resulted in long vegetative stage (143.25 8.13 days). Flowering started in September, and the generative phase lasted 56.25 4.60 days in average based on the harvest date. Average ripe fruit yield of 28.05 18.67 kg/plant was obtained, with higher yield, number of fruits and fruit weight in 2020. The higher summer temperatures that resulted in a stressed growth, the later development of flowers and higher pest infestation with white fly and aphids may have contributed the lower yield in 2019. According to the ANOVA and LSD test results, 27 to 31 days were enough for fruit maturation. The fruit was 12.14 0.01 cm long, 8,06 0.06 cm wide and 7.30 0.05 cm thick and had an average water content of 94.72 0.13%, total soluble solids of 2.35 0.21 %Brix and pH value of 6.39 0.11.
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