Determination of Yield and Yield Characteristics of Some Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties under Batman Conditions

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  • Nurettin BARAN
  • Mehtap ANDIRMAN Batman Üniversitesi, Sason Meslek Yüksekokulu Bitkisel ve Hayvansal Üretim/Organik Tarım Programı, Batman



Arachis hypogea L., peanut, variety, yield


This study was carried out to determine the yield and yield parameters of different peanut varieties in the 2018 production season in Batman University West Raman Campus area. In the research, nine different peanut varieties, namely Arıoğlu 2003, Sultan, Halisbey, NC-7, Brantley, Wilson, Çom, NC-V 11, Osmaniye-2005, were used as material. The experiment was carried out according to the randomized blocks design with three replications. Belonging to the varieties used in the research; Important characteristics such as plant height, number of branches, number of fruit, fruit weight, 100 seed weight, fruit yield per decare, bark/core ratio were investigated. According to the results of the study, the maximum plant height of the peanut varieties included in the experiment was from the Çom variety with 39.8 cm, and the minimum from the Osmaniye 2005 variety with 30.17 cm; The lowest number of branches per plant is from the Osmaniye 2005 variety with 11.33, and the highest from the Arıoğlu 2003 variety with 14.97; The lowest number of fruits per plant is from Com variety with 31.9, and the highest from 43.87 from NC-7 variety; The lowest fruit weight was from Çom variety with 57.73 g, the highest from NC-7 variety with 94.2 g, the lowest 100 fruit weight from NC-V-11 variety with 181.83 g, and the highest from 252.63 g. From the Halisbey variety; The lowest 100 seed weight is from the Çom variety with 80.46 g, and the highest from the Osmaniye 2005 variety with 109.09 g; The lowest fruit yield per decare is from the Çom variety with 418.98 kg/da, and the highest from the NC-7 variety with 666.82 kg/da; The lowest bark/core ratio was obtained from the Sultan variety with 53.35%, and the highest with 67.93% from the NC-7 variety. Among 9 different peanut cultivars, NC-7 and Halisbey cultivars were found to be suitable for local conditions in terms of fruit yield per decare.


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How to Cite

BARAN, N., & ANDIRMAN, M. . (2022). Determination of Yield and Yield Characteristics of Some Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties under Batman Conditions. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(1), 58–63.


