Forage Quality of Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) C. H. Stirt Genotypes at Different Growth Periods

Bituminaria bituminosa, harvest time, animal health, forage qualityAbstract
This study was carried out to determine some quality characteristics of Bituminoria bituminosa (L.) (Bb) genotypes, which were collected from 2 Spanish origins and 1 Samsun province central district, during budding and flowering periods. Bb has a hard seed coat. For this reason, after the seeds were sanded, they were firstly placed on viols and then on the field with a row spacing of 70x70 cm. In the study, crude protein, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), calcium, (Ca), magnesium (Mg), total phenolic, total flavonoid, radical scavenging activity (DPPH) and condensed tannin contents were determined. The crude protein ratio 12.97-23.14%, ADF ratio 20.42-32.49%, NDF ratio 31.11-44.25%, K ratio 1.80-2.99%, P ratio 0.31-0.41%, Ca ratio 1.23-1.40%, Mg ratio 0.31%. -0.44, total phenolic content 5.22-10.22 mg GA/g, total flavonoid content 0.40-0.70 mg QE/g, DPPH content 69.26-86.96% and condensed tannin content 0.54-1.01%. As a result, number 56 among genotypes and budding period between harvest times were superior to other treatments. In addition, these compounds determined in the genotypes of Bituminaria bituminosa, which are quite common in the natural flora of our country, are sufficient in terms of animal health and nutrition and will shed light on future studies.
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