Determination of The Effects of Different Doses of Wheat Straw and Urea Fertilizer on Soil and Wheat Plant (Triticum aestivum L.)

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Bread wheat, straw, urea, soil analysis, plant analysis


In the research, different doses of urea (6, 12, 18 kg/da) and wheat straw applications (300 kg da-1 straw+6 kg da-1 urea, 300 kg da-1 straw+12 kg da-1 urea, 300 kg da-1 sap+18 kg da-1 urea, 600 kg da-1 sap+6 kg da-1 urea, 600 kg da-1 sap+12 kg da-1 urea, 600 kg da-1 sap+18 kg da-1 urea, 900 kg da-1 sap+6 kg da-1 urea, 900 kg da-1 straw+12 kg da-1 urea, 900 kg da-1 straw+18 kg da-1 urea) and control (without any fertilizer) were applied. In the study, Ceyhan-99 bread wheat variety was used a material with three replications. According to the results obtained from study, while the amount of nutrients in the soil increased depending on the amount of straw, there was a decrease in the amount of pH. On the other hand, while the nitrogen and protein percentages in the wheat grains increased in parallel with the increase in the amount of straw.  The nutritional enrichment of the soil with straw and urea provided the first vegetative part and then the generative parts to increase the protein in the grain. According to this situation, not burning the straw, mixing it with the soil with the addition of fertilizer, especially at low doses, will contribute to the nutritional enrichment of the grain and the improvement of some soil properties.


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How to Cite

KARA, Z., YÜRÜRDURMAZ, C. ., ÇOKKIZGIN, A. ., & KESKİNER, A. D. . (2022). Determination of The Effects of Different Doses of Wheat Straw and Urea Fertilizer on Soil and Wheat Plant (Triticum aestivum L.). ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(3), 610–619.


