Determination of Yield Potantials of Different Grain Sorghum Genotypes Under GAP Condition

Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), seed yield, genotypeAbstract
The aim of the project is to determine grain yield production potentials and related properties of different grain sorghum genotypes under GAP conditions. In this project, 18 line and commercial grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) genotypes were used as material. The field experiment conducted under Akçakale/Şanlıurfa representing GAP region conditions during the second crop season in 2020. A randomized complete block (RCB) with 3 replication used as the experimental design. Each plot consisted of 4 rows 5 m long and 0.7 m apart and 15 cm intra-row spacing. In the study, it was determined that the grain yield was 138.07 - 522.25 kg da-1, the plant height was 122.07 - 238.22 cm, the panicle weight was 14.53 - 54.97 g, 1000 seed weight was 12.57 - 29.35 g, flowering days was 65.00 - 82.00 day, and physiological maturation days 138.07 - 522.25 day, although it varies according to the genotypes It has been determined that the genotypes that come to the fore in terms of grain yield have a medium late and upright growth nature. In this study, it was concluded that Macia Big and L20 sorghum genotypes come to the fore both in terms of grain yields and yield components and can be recommended for second crop conditions in the GAP region.
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