Practical Compost Production from Domestic Vegetable and Food Wastes with Bokashi Composting Method
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Bokashi, compost, organic matter, vegetablesAbstract
Our country generates approximately 35 million pieces of food waste annually. The bokashi composting technique is a method that helps in the efficient reduction of household food waste. Converting the domestic food wastes and leftovers to be evaluated by this method from a waste position to an agent that will enrich the soil as organic material for environmental health, on the one hand, enables the fruit and vegetable seedlings to be grown on it to increase and to produce more beneficial products, on the other hand, to protect environmental health. It will constitute a crucial step taken. There are different methods published on this subject. We wanted to turn the process of preparing Bokashi serum into an application that anyone can easily do at home and to help create nutrients that will meet the organic needs of plants from food residues. We tried to find the most efficient production by making microbiological analyzes of our study. By our purpose, we want to examine the difference between the development of the vegetables we produce in the soils we enrich with the bokashi composting method and the vegetables grown without using these methods, and we want to contribute to the creation of a healthier environment with efficiency-enhancing studies.
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