Macro and Micro Element Contents of Pepper Species at Maturation Periods

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Capsicum, ripening periods, macro and micro elements, AAS


The elemental content of pepper fruits varies depending on the species and fruit ripening periods. Knowledge of the elemental content of pepper fruits is crucial for human nutrition. In this study, the quantitative changes of macro and micronutrients during ripening of different pepper species were investigated. Fruit samples from C. annuum, C. baccatum and C. chinense species were analyzed on the 20th, 40th and 60th days after flowering. With the ripening process of the C. annuum and C. chinense fruit, the maximum level of macronutrients reached at 40 days after flowering except nitrogen. In C. baccatum species, the content of K, Ca and Mg reached the maximum level on the 40th day after flowering. The content of P in C. baccatum reached the maximum level on the 60th day after flowering and in the other species on the 20th day after flowering. Maximum micronutrient accumulation was measured on the 20th day after flowering in C. annuum and C. chinense species and on the 40th day after flowering in C. baccatum species. Overall, macro and micro element contents of pepper fruits decreased with ripening, and fruits reached their highest level of nutrients 40 days after flowering.


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How to Cite

EROL, Ümit H., & ARPACI, B. B. . (2023). Macro and Micro Element Contents of Pepper Species at Maturation Periods. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(3), 508–516.


