The Effect of Different Salt Concentrations on the Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Properties of Urfa Cheese

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Low salt, Urfa cheese, traditional cheese, ripening


Today, the fact that excessive salt consumption causes high blood pressure and causes various health problems, primarily hypertension, required the initiation of studies to reduce the use of salt in foods. Urfa cheese, which is a semi-hard cheese produced from sheep's milk and matured in brine, is traditionally obtained by fermenting raw milk at milking temperature and is put into brine with very high salt concentration (20-22%, up to w v-1 ratios). In this study, Urfa cheeses were brined at different salt concentrations (6, 12, 18) and their physical, microbiological and chemical properties were analyzed during 120 days of storage.


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How to Cite

AKBULUT ÇAKIR, Çağım, & DEMİRKAPI, F. . (2023). The Effect of Different Salt Concentrations on the Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Properties of Urfa Cheese. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(3), 623–633.


