The Effect of Male Effect on Some Reproductive Data in Kilis Goats During The Matching Season

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Kilis goat, male effect, estrus synchronization


Goat breeding is very important for both the livelihood and nutrition of our people, especially those living in mountainous regions. Goat breeding has advantages such as low breeding costs and low veterinary expenses compared to other animal species. The most important disadvantages are seasonal estrus and mating in flocks over a long period of time. In recent years, estrus synchronization and off-season estrus stimulation can be achieved successfully in all seasons of the year with various medical methods. However, increasing costs and labor requirements prevent the widespread use of these methods. The male effect is one of the non-medical methods that are inexpensive and require very little labor. In the presented study, 24 goats were divided into 2 groups and while no treatment was applied to the 1st Group (n:14), the goats of the 2nd Group (n: 10) were kept out of the herd 2-3 months before the breeding season and a male effect was created by joining the herd during the breeding season. Due to the male effect, the mating period was shortened by 46 days and the number of kids produced per parent goat increased by 56% (p> 0.05). As a result of our study, it was concluded that the male effect is beneficial in concentrating the estrus in Kilis goats during the breeding season and that it is an economically beneficial method, although not statistically, in increasing the number of lambs.



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How to Cite

ÖZMEN, F., ŞİRELİ, H. D. ., ÇINAR, E. M. ., TURAN, M. ., & ALKAN, İlhan . (2023). The Effect of Male Effect on Some Reproductive Data in Kilis Goats During The Matching Season. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(4), 809–813.


