Determination of Some Forage Quality Traits in Aegilops Species Found in the Southeastern Anatolia Region

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Aegilops, forage quality, crude protein, ADF, NDF, minerals


This study was carried out to determine the quality traits of forages of belonging to Aegilops neglecta, Aegilops triuncialis and Aegilops umbellate species found in the natural flora in different locations of the Southeastern Anatolia Region, Türkiye. For forage chemical analysis; forage samples of the Aegilops species were taken with three replications during the flowering period of the species in the spring of 2023. Variance analysis results of the study data showed that there were statistically significant differences among the Aegilops species in the locations in terms of all examined traits, and it was determined that the examined traits varied within the following ranges; crude protein (CP) 8.64-18.18%, dry matter ratio (DM) 91.55-93.93%, acid detergent fiber (ADF) 29.63-39.40%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) 44.79-68.76%, acid detergent insoluble protein (ADP) 0.23-0.65%, digestible dry matter (DDM) 58.21-65.82%, dry matter intake (DMI) 1.75-2.97%, Relative feed values (RFV) 80.50-154.73, potassium ratio (K) 1.27-2.94%, calcium ratio (Ca) 0.26-1.15%, magnesium ratio (Mg) 0.13-0.27%, phosphorus ratio (P) 0.26-0.42%, Ca/P 0.85-3.05 and K/(Ca+Mg) 1.55-6.79. Considering the research results; it was concluded that the forages of the Aegilops species generally had sufficient mineral contents (K, Ca, Mg and P) to meet the requirements of livestock. Additionally, it was determined that the Aegilops neglecta species located in Diyarbakır-13 (4) location had better quality forage than the other Aegilops species in the other locations of the Southeastern Anatolia Region.


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How to Cite

BAŞBAĞ, M. ., & SAYAR, M. S. . (2023). Determination of Some Forage Quality Traits in Aegilops Species Found in the Southeastern Anatolia Region. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(4), 870–880.


