The Effect of Microbial Fertilizer Application on Maize Grown in Different Locations: II. Quality Traits

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Maize, microbial fertilizer, quality, fat


Maize, which is used for human food, animal feed and in various fields of industry, is an important crop that can be grown in many different environments. This study was carried out to determine the effect of microbial fertilizer doses [0 (Control), 50, 100, 150 and 200 ml/da] applied to two registered maize grain cultivars on some quality traits under Bilecik and Eskişehir conditions. The experiments were established in a split-plot experimental design with three replications, with cultivars in the main plots and microbial fertilizer doses in the sub-plots. In the study, thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight, ash content, fat content, protein content, starch content, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) values were determined. In Bilecik conditions, thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight, fat content and ADF traits showed statistically significant differences among the cultivars, while in Eskişehir conditions, the thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight and ADF traits  showed statistically significant differences among the cultivars. In the study, the effect of microbial fertilizer doses on thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight and ADF value were found to be significant at both locations. According to the applied doses, in Bilecik locations, thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight, ash ratio, fat ratio, protein ratio, starch ratio, ADF value and NDF values were found between 494.76-510.90 g, 77.03-79.03 kg, 1.53-1.56%, 5.25-5.52%, 10.16-10.60%, 67.35-68.33%, 4.27-4.62% and 14.45-14.73%, respectively. Eskişehir locations, thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight, ash ratio, fat ratio, protein ratio, starch ratio, ADF value and NDF values were found between 474.26-502.81 g, 77.25-78.02 kg, 1.48-1.53%, 4.52-4.76%, 10.07-10.35%, 69.25-69.83%, 4.00-4.76% and 13.69-13.90 %, respectively.



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How to Cite

DAĞ, F. ., MUT, Z. ., ERBAŞ KÖSE, Özge D., & KARDEŞ, Y. M. . (2024). The Effect of Microbial Fertilizer Application on Maize Grown in Different Locations: II. Quality Traits. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(1), 81–90.


