Determination of Herbage Quality Characteristics in Some Trigonella Species in Meadow-Pasture and Natural Vegetation of the Southeastern Anatolia Region

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Trigonella, species, herbage quality, mineral substances


This study was conducted in May 2023 to determine the herbage quality characteristics of some Trigonella species (T. coerulescens, T. filipes, T. foenum graceum, T. mesopotamica, T. monantha, T. spicata, T. spruneriana and T. strangulata) in meadow-pasture and natural vegetation of Southeastern Anatolia Region. In the study, crude protein (HP) varied between 18.31-22.45%, acid detergent fiber (ADF) 14.09-24.09%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) 30.33-37.18%, acid detergent protein (ADP) 0.31-0.41%, dry matter (DM) 90.63-92.98%, digestible dry matter (DDM) 70.14-77.93%, dry matter intake (DMI) 3.23-3.96%, relative feed value (RFV) 180.4-237.1, potassium (K) 0.41-0.87%, calcium (Ca) 1.73-2.17%, magnesium (Mg) 1.74-2.93%, phosphorus (P) 0.31-0.45%, Ca/P 4.40-5.88 and K/(Ca+Mg) 0.10-0.22 in Trigonella species. Among the species, T. spruneriana, T. monantha and T. foenum graceum gave the statisticallay highest values in terms of HP; T. spicata in terms of ADF; T. strangulata, T. spruneriana, T. spicata and T. monantha in terms of NDF; T. spicata in terms of DDM; T. spicata, T. mesopotamica, T. foenum graceum and T. filipes in terms of DMI; T. spicata and T. mesopotamica in terms of RFV. Among these species, T. spicata gave the highest values in terms of many traits examined (ADF, NDF, DDM, DMI and RFV). In addition, all examined species were in the prime group, which is the highest quality class in terms of herb quality standards.


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How to Cite

ÇETİK YEŞİLOVA, E. ., & BAŞBAĞ, M. . (2024). Determination of Herbage Quality Characteristics in Some Trigonella Species in Meadow-Pasture and Natural Vegetation of the Southeastern Anatolia Region. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(1), 15–24.


