Investigation of the Sufficiency of Open and Green Spaces in Bingol City

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Open and green areas, access, landscape, urban area


The increase in urban population has led to the intensification of urbanization, bringing forth various problems. Despite the growing need for green spaces in the face of urban expansion, these areas remain limited within the city. Efforts towards open green spaces, which have numerous economic, ecological, and social benefits, are expanding, continuing to be integrated into urbanization policies. The adequacy of open green spaces in meeting the needs of city dwellers depends on their accessibility, sufficient quantity, and size. In this context, the study focuses on the Central district of Bingol province, investigating the sufficiency of open green spaces. The city, divided by the Bingol River, consists of two parts: north and south. While the historical center is located in the south, the northern part has developed in subsequent periods. Currently, due to planned growth in the north, the distribution and accessibility distances of open green spaces are more advanced. Proposed planning initiatives support this situation. A comprehensive approach to the distribution of open green spaces throughout the city is needed, and efforts should be made to preserve existing green areas.


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How to Cite

CAF, A., & KOÇ, C. (2024). Investigation of the Sufficiency of Open and Green Spaces in Bingol City. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(1), 183–196.


