Plants Used by the People in Gökçebağ (Siirt) and Its Surroundings for Nutrition, Industry, Agriculture and Livestock Purposes

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Siirt, traditional knowledge, Gökçebağ, ethnobotany, flora


The place selected as the study area is Gökçebağ town of Siirt center and the town is mostly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. The town, which has a population of 2580 people, has emigrated a lot so far out of the city. Field studies were carried out in the study area between 2019 and 2020 and information on the plants used for different purposes (nutrition, industry, agriculture and livestock) was collected by establishing dialogues with the local people. In addition, a questionnaire study was conducted by interviewing the families of middle school students and asking them to fill out a questionnaire. As a result of dialogues and questionnaire surveys, a total of 86 plant taxa that are used by the people of the region for nutrition, industry, agriculture and animal husbandry purposes were identified. of these plants belonging to 32 families in total, the family with the highest number of taxa is the Rosaceae family with 14 taxa. A total of 96 different uses of these plants were obtained and it was determined that 78 of them were used for nutritional purposes and 18 of them were used for other purposes (industry, agriculture and animal husbandry). 


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How to Cite

İNAL, T. N., & FİDAN , M. . (2024). Plants Used by the People in Gökçebağ (Siirt) and Its Surroundings for Nutrition, Industry, Agriculture and Livestock Purposes. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(2), 493–501.


