Determination of Agro-morphological Characteristics of Turkey Origin Wild Chickpea (Cicer reticulatum L.) Genotypes

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Cicer arietinum, Cicer reticulatum, Wild chickpea, Agro-morphological traits


Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) has an important place with its high protein content as food in Türkiye. This research was conducted in 2022 and 2023 growing seasons under Sivas ecological conditions using 10 standard varieties and 86 wild chickpea genotypes in an augmented experimental design. Differences among genotypes were found significant for all traits examined. The mean days to emergence (DE) was 21.7 days, days to flowering (DF) was 57.1 days, days to first pod setting (DFP) was 65.89 days, days to maturity (DM) was 101.64 days, plant height (PH) was 32.35 cm, first pod height (FPH) was 8.20 cm, number of pods per plant (NPP) was 102.02, number of grains per plant (NGP) was 97.94, grain weight per plant (GWP) was 13.30 g, hundred grain weight (100GW) was 14.72 g, biological yield (BY) was 622.1 kg da-1, grain yield (GY) was 132.96 kg da-1 and harvest index (HI) was 20.55%. In the principal components biplot analysis, the first main component accounted for 48.6% of the variation, the second main component accounted for 24.4% of the variation and 73% of the total variation. In the biplot graph, DE, DF, DFP and DM were positively correlated with each other, PH, FPH, 100GW, BY, GY and HI were positively correlated with each other, NPP and NGP were positively correlated with each other. ILWC81 wild chickpea genotype stood out in terms of NPP, NGP, GWP, BY and GY, number of 73 wild chickpea genotype in terms of DF, 473 wild chickpea genotype in terms of DFP, and 53 wild chickpea genotype in terms of DM.



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How to Cite

YÜCE, İlker, & KARAKÖY, T. (2024). Determination of Agro-morphological Characteristics of Turkey Origin Wild Chickpea (Cicer reticulatum L.) Genotypes. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(2), 502–518.


