Effects of Alternative Mutagens on Chromosome Doubling during the Germination Period of Maternal Haploids

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Maize, breeding, haploid, chromosome doubling, mutagen, herbicide


The value and importance of breeding studies, in parallel with the demands and desires of the population that has been increasing for years, is understood better every day. New technologies have been included in breeding techniques in line with developing technology and opportunities. Haploid techniques used to shorten the breeding period have allowed the development of maize lines in a short time of 1-2 years. Colchicine mutagen is mostly used for chromosome doubling. Colchicine is a toxic substance to humans and animals. The active ingredients propanamide, trifluralin, and oryzalin were studied to identify less poisonous and more economical herbicides as alternatives to the chemical substance colchicine. Colchicine application constituted the positive control group, and dimethyl sulfoxide application constituted the negative control group. Haploid seeds were germinated and shortening-wounding was done in the coleoptile and radicle. Three different herbicide active ingredients, positive control, and negative control, were applied to the germinated seeds for chromosome doubling. The difference between treatments was significant at 0.01% for all parameters such as the rate of surviving plants, rates of male and female flower formation, rate of fertile male flowers, rate of selfed plants, and number of seeds per plant. Propanamide and trifluralin were successful for the fertile male flower rate, oryzalin for the number of seeds per plant, and all mutagens were successful for the selfed plant rate. It has been determined that the herbicide active ingredients applied during the germination period have a more lethal effect on creating viable plants than colchicine.


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How to Cite

ÇAKIR, M., & CENGİZ, R. (2024). Effects of Alternative Mutagens on Chromosome Doubling during the Germination Period of Maternal Haploids. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(3), 747–755. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12787118


