Determination of Bioactive Compounds in Different Parts of Sıyırma Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)

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Phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, Siyirma gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), organic acids, sugars


Sıyırma gourd, a variety of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, is a locally grown plant that is widespread in the Kilis and Gaziantep regions of Turkey. This plant is known for its wide range of uses and significant nutritional values. This study investigated the phenolic compounds, organic acids, sugars and antioxidant activities in different parts of Sıyırma gourd (flesh, peel, leaves, seeds and flowers). The leaves showed the highest total phenolic content (25.12 mg GAE g-1) and antioxidant activity (60.23 μmol TEAC g-1). The peel (18.34 mg GAE g-1 and 45.74 μmol TEAC g-1), seeds (20.49 mg GAE g-1 and 50.88 μmol TEAC g-1) and flowers (15.75 mg GAE g-1 and 40.36 μmol TEAC g-1) also showed considerable phenolic content and antioxidant activity. The flowers were rich in succinic acid (35,952.35 µg g-1). Sugar analyses showed that the pulp had the highest concentrations of fructose (9,155.62 µg g-1) and glucose (10,503.37 µg g-1). These results indicate that Sıyırma gourd contains important health-promoting compounds and that its different parts may have beneficial effects on health. This study aimed to understand the nutritional and health values of locally grown Sıyırma gourd and identify potential applications. In addition, the study suggests that the promotion of this local product could increase the added value of regional agricultural products and provide economic benefits to local farmers.


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How to Cite

EROL, Ümit H. (2024). Determination of Bioactive Compounds in Different Parts of Sıyırma Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria). ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(3), 682–697.


